At a glance
- Work with high voltage chip products (SiC, IGBT) used in automotive traction inverter applications
- Be part of product development projects for power electronic transistors: Define the right-fit product and technology requirements matching to application trends and customer needs
- Work closely with cross-functional teams to identify and prioritize product features, understand trade-offs and key limitations ensuring that new products meet the evolving demands of the automotive industry
- Contribute to technical design-in activities at major automotive customers with our high voltage SiC and IGBT chip products
- Closely collaborate with our regional field application engineering teams
At a glance
- Maintaining accurate inventory of lab equipment and materials
- Coordinating orders and procurement of necessary supplies
- Organizing and maintaining lab documentation and records
Vollzeit | Praktikum | Freelancer, Projektarbeit
At a glance
- Learn about possible technologies available today for power distribution
- Improve your skills in power electronics and power conversion
- Evaluate the existing power distribution systems for mobile robots and drones together with your supervisors and partner universities
- Develop a power distribution system for a safe and reliable multicopter
- Apply this methodology to a new multicopter platform of a partner company
- Document your results by writing and submitting your Master Thesis
At a glance
- Support application engineers in the testing and validation of LowVoltage Power MOSFETs
- Develop test setups using automation
- Design PCB boards with Altium
- Document measurement results and debugging setups
- Assist with day-to-day task such as soldering components and maintaining lab equipment
Your future responsibilities
- Continue to develop the unit of 10 researchers focused on control platforms for power electronic converter systems for a wide range of sectors and applications.
- Provide vision for long-term research opportunities in power electronics.
- Establish and manage research projects with a wide range of industrial and academic partners.
- Shaping the department's research programme and project portfolio with supervisors and peers.
- Effectively delegate research issues to the right combination of SAL scientists and researchers for best team performance.
- Plan and control the research unit's budget and resources.
- Provide overall leadership for the research unit to deliver high quality research outputs, innovation and economic impact.
Vollzeit | befristet | Praktikum
At a glance
- Understand technical requirements and concept of actual trim-procedure to set boundary conditions
At a glance
- Assist engineers in system board design and verification of high power density and innovative solutions in DCDC power conversion
- Build evaluation kits and perform system function verification and testing
- Prepare design documentation, application notes and getting started guides for various solutions developed
- Acquire knowledge and methodology in system design, trouble shooting and analysis
- Analyze test results and document the outcomes
- Collaborate and contribute to development projects
At a glance
- System modelling: You will support the simulation of an inverter system using PLECS and MATLAB
- System Verification: You will perform Testbench Measurements and understand the impact of different modulation schemes and conduct an Efficiency study on different control algorithms and switching frequencies
- Simulation environment: You will support the system simulation activities within the system application teams
- Be creative: You create communication material, process concepts, and prepare data visualizations
- Teamwork is dreamwork: You support the team with your profound analysis and results which will trigger further system design activities
At a glance
- Performing functional verification of digital IP, spanning both block- and top-level integration
- Applying your hands-on expertise with System Verilog / UVM methodologies to develop verification strategies and ensure comprehensive coverage
- Collaborating closely with design and concept teams, facilitating seamless integration and alignment of verification goals with overall project objectives
- Providing effective functional leadership for a small team, including strategic planning and optimal distribution of work packages to maximize efficiency and quality outcomes
At a glance
- Support the validation Team in their daily tasks
- Help with the development of test automation & firmware for the MCU
- Perform Analog-Mixed-Signal post-silicon validation on the MCU
- Review the results with the technical experts & designers
At a glance
- Be responsible for test hard- and software development for Si and SiCpower semiconductors
- Manage test specification discussions in project teams
- Generate test programs, integrate test equipment, debug, validate and document test results
- Optimize test methods to improve quality and reduce costs through test platform transfers
- Closely cooperate with different development teams and production locations
- Implement test solutions in our locations spanning all around the world
At a glance
- Assist with daily task such as soldering components and maintaining lab equipment
- Document measurement results and debugging setups
At a glance
- Creating compelling PowerPoint presentations: You will be responsible for developing visually appealing and informative PowerPoint slides to support the communication and presentation needs of the product marketing team. This includes effectively communicating complex information in a clear and concise manner.
- Data analysis and automation using Excel and VBA: You will utilize your skills in Excel and VBA to manipulate and analyze data, create interactive dashboards, and automate repetitive tasks. This may involve cleaning and organizing data, performing analysis, and developing macros to streamline processes and improve efficiency within the team.
- Providing team support: You will collaborate with the product marketing team on various tasks, such as conducting market research, analyzing competitor data and preparing reports. Additionally, you maybe involved in coordinating internal administrative topics to ensure the smooth operation of the team.
Vollzeit | befristet | Praktikum
At a glance
- Assist in market studies and data visualization
- Support in the creation of presentations on the robotics and drone market
At a glance
- Have regional responsibility of pricing, collaboration with major distributors and customers to develop revenue growth plans
- Coordinate distribution asset management through inventory and resale analysis
- Develop and implement strategies for maximizing market share, revenue, and profit for specific market sectors while setting price guidelines for Field Sales
- Negotiate volume purchasing agreements with customers
- Serve as a primary interface for the product line to establish priorities to balance supply and demand
- Oversee demand management process including the management of new product introductions
- Manage revenue, profit and inventory on behalf of the product line using established key performance indicators
- Provide regional forecast recommendations for revenue by technology and package
- Collaborate with application and product line marketing on Go-to-Market approach for new products and product initiatives and revenue generating opportunities through effective analysis of billings, backlog and inventory data
At a glance
- Research field: Creation, manipulation and control of magnetic skyrmions in thin film multilayers
- Research Objectives: Perform experiments to understand the fundamental static and dynamic properties of magnetic spin structures with a particular topologies.
- Research Activities: Explore the magnetic device design to match industry requirements for the use case of a power free magnetic revolution counter. Verify different magnetic designs under real application conditions.
- Employment and Secondment: The selected DC will be enrolled as Ph.D. student at Physics Department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and will be employed by Infineon Technologies Austria AG (IFAT) within the project period. Furthermore, the TOPOCOM network offers ideal possibilities for scientific exchange with leading groups in the field and secondments are planned at selected partners
At a glance
- Interdisciplinary project-team management across various Infineon sites with focus on power management, ADC, DCDC and radar applications projects
- Technical support of the project team and decision-making
- Responsibility for the project budget, the time- and resource-plan as well as continuous controlling of the project risks and regular reporting to department and division head
- Motivation of the project team
- Proactive communication with different internal and external project partners
At a glance
- Data Analysis & Dashboard Design – from data to meaningful dashboards
- Maintaining existing dashboards in the area of Analytics, Cleanroom Engineering & Parts Clean
- Data Science & Information Technology
- Interactive data combinations between different data sources (Databases, Excel, etc.)
- Assistance in Cleanroom Engineering Sensor Maintenance (Change Sensors/Configure Sensors/etc.)
- It is also possible to write your bachelor or master thesis during this internship.
Deine zukünftigen Aufgaben
- Reiseplanung und -organisation:
Du bist verantwortlich für die Organisation und Buchung von Geschäftsreisen. Dabei berücksichtigst du die individuellen Anforderungen unserer MitarbeiterInnen unter Berücksichtigung unseres Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts und optimierst gleichzeitig Kosten und Zeitaufwand. - Reisekostenabrechnung:
Du überprüfst die Reisekostenabrechnungen sowie die dazugehörigen Belege und sorgst für eine ordnungsgemäße und fristgerechte Abrechnung der entstandenen Reisekosten. - Rechnungseingang und Bearbeitung:
Du überwachst den Eingang von Rechnungen im Zusammenhang mit Geschäftsreisen und kümmerst dich um die ordnungsgemäße Weiterleitung und Archivierung. Dies beinhaltet auch die Klärung von offenen Fragen und die Kommunikation mit Dienstleistern. - Administrative Unterstützung:
Administrative Bearbeitung verschiedener Anfragen im Zusammenhang mit Geschäftsreisen, sei es von internen MitarbeiterInnen oder externen Dienstleistern. - Dokumentenmanagement:
Du pflegst und aktualisierst Daten, erstellst Reise- und Abrechnungsdokumente und sorgst für die ordnungsgemäße Ablage relevanter Unterlagen. - Kommunikation mit Dienstleistern:
Du bist auch AnsprechpartnerIn für alle externen Dienstleister wie Reisebüros, Hotels und Fluggesellschaften und sorgst dafür, dass alle Arrangements reibungslos durchgeführt werden.
Deine zukünftigen Aufgaben
- Verwaltung und Wartung der hybriden Active Directory Umgebung (Azure AD und On-Premise AD)
- Implementierung und Administration von Gruppenrichtlinien, Benutzerkonten, Sicherheitsrichtlinien und Zugriffskontrollen
- Überwachung und Optimierung der Systemperformance und -sicherheit
- Fehlerbehebung und Problembehandlung im Bereich der Active Directory Infrastruktur
- Planung und Durchführung von Updates, Upgrades und Migrationen
- Zusammenarbeit mit anderen IT-Teams zur Integration und Unterstützung von Cloud-Diensten und Anwendungen
- Sicherstellung der Datensicherheit und -integrität durch regelmäßige Backups und Notfallwiederherstellungstests
- Dokumentation der Systemkonfigurationen und -änderungen
- Vor Ort Support Unterstützung unserer Mitarbeiter im täglichen Betrieb
At a glance
- Investigate both centralized and decentralized DPP systems
- Develop secured data carriers for robust product passport applications
Vollzeit | befristet | Praktikum
At a glance
- Analog blocks in Infineon microcontrollers
- Analog to Digital (ADC) and Digital to Analog (DAC) converters
- High speed interfaces
- High Precision Oscillators and PLLs
- Power Management Systems (PMS)
- Battery Management Systems (BMS)
- DCDC Converter for low voltage applications and Linear Voltage Regulators (LDOs)
- RF blocks for radar systems
- Bias & Control circuits for 5G antennas
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | Praktikum
Auf einen Blick
- Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Softwarelösungen im Bereich Automotive Entwicklung
- Analyse und Verarbeitung von großen Datenmengen
- Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung von Berichten und Präsentationen
- Teilnahme an Team-Meetings und Brainstorming-Sitzungen
At a glance
- Work in the cleanroom environment with a small team
- Operate trace analysis in state-of-the-art analytical tools such as VPD,ICPMS, AAS, TXRF, AD-GCMS, Titrator, UV, Liquid particle and other little tools
- Deliver reliable high quality of measurement results, specifically from trace analysis measurements on wafer level as well as in other mediums (Boxes/FOUP, DI water, concentrated chemicals, etc.)
At a glance
- Perform requirement analyses
- Be responsible for the user management of departments own application
- Support and supervise the software development team
- Test and document new functionalities
- Plan and prioritize work packages for the agile team
- Moderate agile ceremonies
At a glance
- Support by developing and implementing of a new software solution in IT license management
- Do analysis and processing of large amounts of data
- Create software documentation
- Develop in Cloud-Native environment (CI/CD pipelines with automated testing)
At a glance
- Do analog focused Mixed-Signal Verification
- Create and maintain verification plans
- Define verification metrics and set-up verification environments, including analog testbenches
- Elaborate and execute tests on analog transistor level (schematic + layout) with digital RTL and gatelevel
- Team up and collaborate with colleagues from analog and digital design and verification, as well as concept engineering
At a glance
- Create and maintain verification plans
- Choose the right verification methodology
- Define verification metrics and set-up verification environments
- Elaborate and execute tests on RTL and gate-level
- Team up and collaborate with colleagues from analog and digital design as well as concept engineering
At a glance
- Support Global Indirect Tax team on various projects (e.g. S4/HANA rollouts, M&A integrations).
- Gather global indirect tax business requirements, prepare functional design documentation and support implementation and testing.
- Evaluate and deploy indirect tax technology solutions.
- Implement and enhance tax tools,
manage continuous improvement to ensure tax compliance, automated tax controls and reporting. - Analyze changes in tax laws, value flows and business transactions.
- Drive tax technology services through active global participation.
- Analyze mass data to ensure correct results on indirect tax determination
- Create and handle tax documentation, handbooks and training slides.
- Provide ad hoc support to other tax team members where required.
At a glance
- Work in the R&D mixed-signal IC design organization
- Support R&D chip designers for daily issues related to mixed-signal IC development flow and related EDA software tools and methodology (1st level support)
- Proactively consult chip design projects to ensure proper and efficient usage of working environment, software tools and related methodology
- Collect application specific requirements to the design environment and provide fast solutions (e.g. hot fixes) where needed
- Trigger and track implementation of enhancements of the design environment to ensure on-time availability for productive usage
- Work closely with internal software tool and methodology providers on improving and developing new solutions
- Promote new methodology solutions and support the roll-out of these in design projects
- Share knowledge within the (IFX world-wide) “Design Application Engineering Community”